Does Wyeth Nutrition Product contain Genetically Modified Ingredients (GMO)?
Please note that all Wyeth nutrition products don’t contain genetically modified ingredients.
Do you use Melamine in the infant formula production?
Please note that all our Infant formulas don’t contain Melamine.
Are probiotics really safe?
Probiotics have been used in the processing of foods, particularly dairy products, and they are among the best nutritional discoveries for the role they play in gastro-intestinal health. The health benefits of probiotics in children are summarized as follows:
They protect the gastro-intestinal system from harmful bacteria and reinforce its health;
Strengthen and boost the natural immune system;
Protect from many types of diarrhea;
Protect from some kinds of allergies;
Increase the absorption of minerals and vitamins in food;
Reduce the onset of lactose intolerance.
Clearly, supplementing your children’s diet with probiotics is a natural and easy way to help them stay healthy.
What is the Bio-factors System?
It is a nutrition system specially designed to ensure your growing child receives nutrients in the right amounts to empower him or her to learn and achieve.
The bio-factors system of integrated nutrition is based on a unique age-appropriate combination of bio-factor nutrients and other ingredients that deliver functional benefits to the child. Each formula is designed to support optimal growth and development at a specific stage of life.
What are the Wyeth Nutrition Milk stages available in the market?
According to the WHO recommendations, from birth to 6 months, your baby should rely solely on your breast milk for his nutrition. After 6 months however, complementary feeding can be introduced gradually, while continuing to breastfeed for as long as you can.
However if breastfeeding is not possible, only the pediatrician can advise you on the formula your baby needs and prescribe it to you as each baby has different requirements and needs.
Below are the stages of our Infant Formula:
Stage 1: 0-6 months
Stage 2: 6-12 months
Growing up Milk:
Stage 3: 1-3 years
Stage 4: 3-6 years
Food supplement: 1-10 years